Healing Hands Adult Care.
In-Home Personal Care Services.

Welcome to Healing Hands. We are an assisted living facility that provides in-home directed care and in-home personal care services up to 3 residents in a loving and attentive environment.

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Lonsako family

Why Choose Our Personal Care Services?

Finding an environment where your loved one will not only be cared for, but also FEEL cared for is quite a challenge in this world of convenience and ease. At Healing Hands, your loved enters not just our home, but our heart, and receives the attention and care they need and you long for.

Tadele has been in the home care industry since 1998, when he was working with the Foundation for Senior Living and Home Instead Senior Care. He is now working with Mentor Arizona, a nationwide care organization facilitating home care for seniors and those needing extended care.

Genet has been working alongside in extended home care since 2007. She has worked in a variety of arenas, such as Foundation for Senior Living and private home care for seniors as needed.

Both are trained by Mentor Arizona and Foundation for Senior Living and certified in various aspects of personal and home care services. Their training includes care for persons with developmental disabilities. The licensing of Healing Hands covers those between 18 to 99 years of age.


What are Directed Care Services?

Programs and services, including personal care services, provided to persons who are incapable of recognizing danger, summoning assistance, expressing need or making basic care decisions.  

What are Personal Care Services?

Assistance with activities of daily living that can be performed by persons w/o professional skills or professional training and includes coordination or provision of intermittent nursing services and the administration of medications and treatments by a licensed nurse.  

What are Supervisory Care Services?

General supervision, including daily awareness of resident functioning and continuing needs, the ability to intervene in a crisis and assistance in the self-administration of prescribed medications.  

What is a Residential Care Institution?

A health care institution other than a hospital or a nursing care institution which provides resident beds or residential units, supervisory care services, personal care service, directed care services or health-related services for persons who do not need inpatient nursing care.  

What are Respite Care Services?

Services provided by a licensed health care institution to persons otherwise cared for in foster homes and in private homes to provide an interval of rest or relief of not more than thirty days to operators of foster homes or to family members.


Do you have a friend of loved one that may be in need of a graduated level of care and attention? Please send us a little information using the secure form below, along with your contact number in the Message area and we will contact you to speak with you personally to answer any questions you may have.

We know these decisions are not easy. We make it easier by offering not just care, but a home, a family, love.


We are Easy to Access in the Heart of Phoenix

Centrally located!
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Map data ©2018 Google

2129 West Elm Street
Phoenix, AZ 85015

Email: talonsako@aol.com
Phone or Text: 602.412.7376

Centrally located near 19th Ave and Camelback in the heart of Phoenix.

We are  3 blocks South of Camelback Road, just West of 21st Avenue, near Westwood Elementory School.

Perhaps You Are Searching Everywhere For...

    • In-home Assisted Living
    • Directed Care Services
    • Supervisory Care Services
    • Personal Care Services
    • Certified in-home Care Providers

Healing Hands is Here to Help

Contact us, or schedule an appointment with us today. We would love to meet you, to share with you the care with take with each client according to their specific needs, and our experience in caring for others in need.
